The Aam Aadmi Party on Wednesday, 8 January, said Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh and Delhi minister Saurabh Bhardwaj would accompany the media on a tour of the chief minister's residence, which the BJP claims was turned into a ‘Sheesh Mahal’ during Arvind Kejriwal’s tenure. Singh and Bharadwaj told reporters at a press conference that they would also take reporters to the prime minister's residence, which the AAP has dubbed ‘Raj Mahal’, claiming it was built at a cost of Rs 2,700 crore. The ‘Raj Mahal’ jibe is based on AAP’s counter-allegation that prime minister Narendra Modi is the one with the astoundingly luxurious lifestyle — and the one with a new prime ministerial residence, originally valued at Rs 467 crore at the time of tendering in 2022, with an underground tunnel taking him directly to the PMO.

RTI activists’ attempts to uncover the actual costs associated with the 7 Lok Kalyan Marg official residence of the Prime Minister of India failed — apparently even disclosing the cost of civil, plumbing and electrical works undertaken could expose the PM to danger. "As promised, we will visit the chief minister's official residence at 6 Flagstaff Road at 11 a.m.

and try to find the golden commode, swimming pool and mini bar that the BJP claims are present there," Bharadwaj said. "It should be noted that both these properties are government residences. They were built with taxpayers' money and came up during the Covid pandemic.

If there are allegations of.