ROCHESTER — Jane Belau’s superpower has been her ability to influence the influencers. She identified the political powerful and, through glamour and gumption, charm and smarts, gained access to and influenced it. It explains the staying power of “The Belau Report,” a Rochester public affairs show now in its 50th year that appears on cable and YouTube.

Punching above its weight class, Belau’s public access show landed interviews with Mikhail Gorbachev, last leader of the Soviet Union, and former President Ronald Reagan. She has chatted with every governor since the 1970s, including Wendell Anderson, Arnie Carlson and Al Quie in a group chat. She has scored interviews with American musician Carole King when she stumped for presidential candidate John Kerry, and consumer activist Ralph Nader when he was running for president.

“She has been a force in this community forever,” said Sheila Kiscaden, an Olmsted County commissioner and former state senator. “She’s always liked to be in the background, but she’s always liked to have influence.” ADVERTISEMENT The second point can’t be stressed too much.

While skilled at influencing the powerful, Belau has never been fond of the spotlight herself. Which is why Tuesday’s celebration marking the golden anniversary of Belau’s show held a hint of unpredictability. It was meant to be a surprise.

The spotlight would be on her. “So don’t be surprised if she’s a little upset, because she has been resisting thi.