LADY SYBIL JOEL: 1924 - 2024 Lady Sybil Joel was renowned for her beauty, dedication to art and for her remarkable partnership with her husband of nearly five decades, the late Sir Asher Joel. He was a journalist, former naval officer, newspaper publisher, pioneer of the public relations profession in Australia and twenty-year member of the New South Wales Parliament. Lady Sybil Joel in her modelling days.

He was famed for his organisation of great state events, including numerous official visits to Sydney by the late Queen and Prince Philip and other members of the royal family, the first visit to Australia by a United States president in Lyndon Johnson and a Pope (Paul VI), as well as the opening of the Sydney Opera House. Lady Joel played a key role in these endeavours, both supporting her husband and captivating everyone she met with her unaffected charm. On one occasion the Joels were invited to dine on board the Royal Yacht Brittania.

Her Majesty was receiving guests when she opened the conversation with Lady Joel by complimenting her appearance. After reciprocating, Lady Joel inquired as to the health of Her Majesty’s children. She then expressed some surprise when informed that Prince Andrew had contracted the mumps, considering the prince’s relatively mature age.

Lady Sybil Joel on the cover of the Paris hats edition of Women’s Weekly shot at the home of Sir Frank Packer, 1948. An animated conversation then ensued between the Queen and Lady Joel regarding the c.