An Rs. 100 crore blockbuster with Munjya , a global hit film on streaming with Maharaj that released on Netflix and now a potential superhit with Vedaa , it is definitely turning out to be the year of Sharvari! Being touted as the rising star of the industry who is not just a gorgeous beauty but also a phenomenally talented actor, Sharvari is the big discovery of 2024! In these 3 films, she has shown that she is one of the most versatile actors of her generation. Sharvari is praying to deliver three hits in a row with Vedaa: “Hope it becomes a huge success after Munjya and Maharaj” In Munjya, she played a Maharashtrian girl, embodying the evil spirit of Munjya, and also served as the dance song of the year ' Taras '! In Maharaj, Sharvari played a Gujarati girl and charmed us all with her infectious smile and brilliant acting.

Now in Vedaa , which is set to release on August 15, she plays a Rajasthani girl, an underdog who stands up to make a brave stand against her oppressors. No other actor from her generation has given such variety with incredible acting in a single calendar year! When contacted to speak about her rise and rise in Bollywood, Sharvari says, “It is a huge year for me professionally and I’m really praying that I deliver three hits in a row! I'm just grateful actually at this point for everything that has happened so far. Of course, my journey has not been a conventional one.

I came into this industry, my first film didn’t do well and then I had to wa.