So i tried to summarize what we found in the 13 states where Hope Springs from Field PAC [ website ] v olunteers have been canvassing this week. Largely, because we’ve focused a lot of attention on the 7 presidential Swing States through the Summer. This is the last post in that regard, and it might be appropriate that Michigan and Minnesota are the states i am writing about.

Consensus Senate Battlegrounds I wrote earlier about visiting the Gaza protesters encampment in Chicago. It wasn’t a leisure visit; i was asked to come report the findings i talked about in that post. But the hidden agenda was the request that we “stop trying to undermine the Uncommitted movement” in the two states.

In Michigan, we’ve knocked on 738,261 doors and talked to more than 63,381 voters in the Swing Congressional Districts of MI-3, MI-7 & MI-8, among others. The protest movement in Michigan is centered in MI-12, where they are trying to withhold tens of thousands of votes from Kamala Harris. In Minnesota, it is centered in MN-05, although the Minnesota leaders i talked to didn’t make the same commitment.

Regardless, Hope Springs was asked to end our efforts in those states by the protest leaders i met. It threatens their efforts to pressure the administration wrt Gaza. Of course, we won’t be honoring those requests.

And it has nothing to do with Gaza or anything else. We are canvassing in these 13 states to win in November. Period.

Our efforts in Michigan predates the October 7th .