The Sharjah Investment and Development Authority ( Shurooq ), which unveiled a new brand identity a year ago, has expanded its offerings across six key market segments, including hospitality, real estate, and arts & culture, as part of its broader strategy to enhance Sharjah’s appeal as an investment, tourism, and business hub. Founded in 2009, Shurooq supports small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and attracts foreign investment to Sharjah. The authority is at the forefront of ecotourism and luxury hospitality in Sharjah, with flagship projects like Najd Al Meqsar and Kingfisher Retreat leading the way.

Meanwhile, initiatives such as Sheera are fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, shaping the future of the emirate. Here, Shurooq’s Al Qaseer talks about the authority’s impact on Sharjah’s economy, the emirate’s appeal as a cultural and ecotourism destination and how Invest in Sharjah is providing a streamlined process for foreign investors seeking to establish an in the emirate. Q.

Shurooq has grown exponentially over the years. Tell us more about the investment authority’s role in fostering economic development and innovation in Sharjah. Shurooq has been proud to have a major impact on Sharjah’s economic landscape through the years, expanding its position from an investment authority to a key driver of sustainable development and innovation.

Our mission is to harness Sharjah’s rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and economic potential while implementi.