A charity which looks after nature reserves in has revealed the appalling way some visitors leave the beauty spots. Kent Wildlife Trust has shared these photos with to highlight the terrible way some people treat these outdoor gems. The trust manages more than 90 nature reserves for wildlife in Kent.

It said the "vast majority" of people left no trace they had visited. But the warmer weather has resulted in hundreds flocking to the tranquil spaces and "creating problems for wildlife", it said. It said it was "reminding" people to leave no sign they had visited after wardens had to bin dog mess, clean graffiti and pick litter after an influx of visitors at the weekend.

At the weekend, staff and volunteers had to tackle: Four of the photos were taken before this weekend. The trust's Charlotte Lewis said: "We appreciate that many people want to enjoy the beauty of nature in our green spaces, however, we have noticed an increase in the amount of litter and disturbance at our sites. “When visiting a nature reserve, please leave no trace and take your rubbish home.

We are in the midst of a biodiversity emergency and these spaces are desperately needed by our wildlife, a nature haven is not the place for barbecues, parties, or releasing balloons. "Our sites are home to over 800 grazing animals, and their wellbeing is compromised by ingesting rubbish or getting hurt by it. We take reports of criminal behaviour, such as graffiti and vandalism, seriously and report all incidents to t.