The Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives fame Shalini Passi stole the spotlight through her whimsical clutch, as she attended Isha Ambani's Tira Beauty Event in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Passi carried an alien bag from her favourite Judith Leiber couture handbag label. The accessory is popular as 'Kim's Alien' and is part of the Judith Leiber X Kardashian collection.

Dressed in a grey attire, Shalini Passi completed her looks with heels and a bow-designed necklace. Another handbag that became the talk of the town was that of Nita Ambani's as she picked a Chanel popcorn clutch (a part of the Fall/Winter 2024-25 collection) to accessorise her stunning looks. Nita Ambani donned a white-checked blazer and paired it with black shimmery pants.

Meanwhile, netizens cannot help but get gaga over the duo's handbag choices. A famous internet fashion personality, Dietsabya, posted a collage of the duo's picture. “I feel like she [Nita Ambani] and Shalini Passi would vibe with each other", a follower of hers replied, to which, she agreed and wrote, "I agree.

A bag off!" Price of the bags The alien bag, carried by Shalini Passi, is available on the Judith Leiber website. Inspired by global star Kim Kardashian's 'out of this world' style, the bag is all covered in black diamond handset crystals. The price of the bag stands at a staggering Rs 5,28,355.

Nita Ambani's popcorn bag, a fresh launch by Chanel, is priced at Rs 2,412,500..