Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor, who played dual roles in Vishal Bhardwaj's said that he would love to make a sequel to the critically-acclaimed drama that has completed 15 years. , which was released on August 14, 2009, is considered one of the most loved films in Shahid's career. It also marked the beginning of his collaboration with the noted filmmaker, who later worked on a modern-day adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy in 2014.

After that came the romantic war drama film in 2017. "It ('Kaminey') was probably the most original piece of content I had heard ever in my career at that time. It was an amazing experience.

I worked with really good actors and I wish we do another one,” Shahid told PTI. "I kept telling him (Bhardwaj) to make a part two. I want to see more 'Kamineys'.

I think it had that naughtiness that will always be exciting to the audience because it is grungy, grounded and naughty, which is a great combination," he added. Set against the backdrop of the underworld in Mumbai, presented the tale of two estranged twins, Charlie and Guddu, both played by Shahid, whose lives become entangled in a web of crime, corruption, and deceit. The characters of the twin protagonists were polar opposites.

Charlie, who has a lisp, is a small-time crook with dreams of making it big by any means necessary, while Guddu, who stutters, is an honest man working in an NGO. Filmmaker Amol Gupte played the villain in the movie, while Priyanka Chopra played the love interest of.