Mira Kapoor, on Thursday evening, treated netizens with a glimpse of her romantic getaway with her husband in the Maldives. Taking to her Instagram handle, Mira shared a picture of Shahid wherein the actor can be seen posing shirtless while holding her hand on a beach of Fari Islands. ''Come away with me,'' she wrote in the caption.

Before this, on the occasion of New Year Mira shared a heartfelt recap video of 2024 while eagerly waiting for the new year. The video features several moments from her personal life and the memories she created with her husband-actor Shahid, children and friends. ''2024 was the year for new beginnings, family & a dream.

2025, I’m ready to fly,'' she wrote along with the video. Mira often updates her fans about her professional and personal front by dropping posts on social media. Mira and Shahid got married in 2015 and are parents to a daughter Misha, who was born in 2016, and a son Zain in 2018.

The actor is all set for his next actioner titled Deva. The makers of the film recently unveiled a character poster of Shahid from Deva. The film was originally scheduled to hit the big screens on February 14 but the date was revised and its new release date is now January 31, 2025.

In the film, Shahid portrays a rebellious police officer investigating a high-profile case. As he digs deeper, he unravels a complex web of deceit and betrayal, leading him into a perilous journey. Pooja Hegde plays the role of a journalist and the film's leading lady.
