As the festive season unfolds across India, Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan 's iconic residence, Mannat, is basking in the vibrant glow of Diwali lights. Known for their extravagant Diwali celebrations, the couple has opened their home to the magic of the festival, which is a beloved time for decoration, sweets, and family gatherings. (Also Read – Ameesha Patel missed out on SRK's Chalte Chalte as she never knew it was offered to her: 'My secretary didn't inform me' ) This year, the celebrations are especially significant as Shah Rukh Khan approaches his 59th birthday this week.

A captivating video showcasing Mannat's festive decor has taken social media by storm, thrilling fans with glimpses of the stunning display. The video reveals the famous seaside home in Bandra, adorned with beautiful lights and festive cheer, while a crowd of eager fans gathers outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Bollywood superstar. A post shared by yogen shah (@yogenshah_s) Shah Rukh Khan's lavish Diwali parties have become legendary in Bollywood, attracting a host of A-listers like Karan Johar, Kajol, Aamir Khan, and Deepika Padukone over the years.

Meanwhile, filmmaker Rohit Shetty and actor Kartik Aaryan's residences were also illuminated for the Diwali celebrations. Their films – Singham Again and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 respectively – are all set to release in cinemas on the occasion on November 1. Known as the 'Festival of Lights', Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness and g.