Shah Rukh Khan makes a rare confession about his experience working on Sanjay Leela Bhansali's iconic film, Devdas. The actor, who is the first Indian to receive the Pardo alla Carriera Ascona-Locarno Tourism award at the Locarno Film Festival, revealed that he bought the film’s rights long time ago. While he referred to working on the film as “one of the best experiences of his life,” SRK claimed that his production company Red Chillies Entertainment has obtained the rights to the Bhansali directorial.

The Kuch Kuch Hota Hai actor confirmed the news in a statement that read, "It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. So much so that we as a production company bought the rights of this film back, and I’m very, very proud that it belongs to our company now.” The superstar offered insight into creating the timeless classic in the modern era, recalling that the project was once described as the 'most expensive film' and that he had expressed concerns the concept felt 'outdated' when the director first presented it to the cast.

He shared that his mother admired his role in the 2002 film and absolutely loved every inch of it. Although critics initially thought Devdas was out of SRK's comfort zone, his performance in the intense role garnered widespread praise from around the world. The film also starred Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Madhuri Dixit, Jackie Shroff, and others.
