After celebrating Christmas holidays in a Alibag, Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan on Sunday returned to Mumbai with his family members including wife Gauri, daughter Suhana and son AbRam. The Khan family was spotted arriving at the Jetty, Gateway of India, in Mumbai. What captured everyone's attention was SRK lovingly holding his pet dog in his arms.

Shah Rukh was seen donning a black oversized hoodie and cargo pants. He covered his face with the hoodie's cap. Gauri opted for a white shirt that she paired with a yellow blazer and black flared pants.

Fans left in awe after seeing SRK with his "furry friend". View this post on Instagram A post shared by SRK VIBE (@_srkvibe2.0) In no time, fans flooded social media with SRK and his pet dog's visuals.

"So cute," a social media user commented. "How adorable," another one wrote. Suhana's rumoured boyfriend and actor Agastya Nanda was also spotted with them.

He looked uber cool in a black t-shirt paired with blue denim and a black cap. Suhana was seen wearing a black crop top and blue denims. She twinned with Agastya in a black cap.

Meanwhile, on the work front, SRK in November attended the Global Freight Summit in Dubai, where he got candid about his personal and professional life. During the conversation with the moderator, SRK not only talked about his stardom but also shared how he dealt with failures. Urging people to introspect rather than dwell on their failures, he said, "When you fail, you should not believe that your product.