When a young Shah Rukh Khan watched Dilip Kumar’s 'Devdas' with his parents, who were ardent fans of the legendary actor, he could never have imagined that he would one day portray the same iconic character. Now 58 years old, Shah Rukh Khan recently received the prestigious Pardo alla Carriera award (Career Leopard) at the 77th Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland, becoming the first Indian personality to be honoured with this accolade. During the festival, he presented the iconic 2002 film 'Devdas', which starred Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Madhuri Dixit Nene, and Jackie Shroff.

SRK shares details on acquiring rights to Bhansali's 'Devdas' At the event, Shah Rukh Khan thrilled fans by revealing that his production company, Red Chillies Entertainment, has acquired the rights to Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s lavish 2002 epic 'Devdas'. He made this announcement during a masterclass at the Locarno Film Festival, just before the screening of the film. "We, as a production company, bought the rights to this film, and I’m very, very proud that it belongs to our company now," Khan announced.

SRK reflects on the film's legacy Reflecting on the film’s legacy, Shah Rukh Khan shared insights into the challenges and triumphs of bringing this epic love story to life. With over 18 film versions already in existence, including the legendary Dilip Kumar starrer, the pressure to offer a fresh interpretation was immense. "By the time I got to see the film, I think they’d made 18 films based on.