Happy Birthday to Shah Rukh Khan, the undisputed King of Bollywood! With a career spanning over nearly four decades, SRK, who was born on November 2, 1965, in New Delhi, has won hearts worldwide, establishing himself as a powerhouse in Indian cinema and beyond. After transitioning from television, he debuted on the big screen in the early '90s and proved himself different from his competitors with a series of anti-hero roles in films like Baazigar and Darr , which showcased his boldness and acting prowess. However, it was his portrayal of the quintessential romantic hero in films like Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and Kal Ho Naa Ho that cemented his place in cinema history.

With his impeccable dialogue delivery, emotive eyes, and iconic, open-armed stance, Khan became a symbol of love, romance, and enduring charisma for millions across generations. Subhash Ghai Calls Shah Rukh Khan ‘Great Actor’ Despite Creative Differences, Reserves Highest Praise for Dilip Kumar and Amitabh Bachchan . Over the years, Shah Rukh Khan has shown incredible versatility, seamlessly moving from romance to action, comedy, and drama, with iconic performances in films like Swades, Chak De! India , and My Name is Khan .

Yet, his reign as the King of Romance remains unrivalled. Throughout his career, Shah Rukh Khan has some famous dialogues associated with himself, like " K..

. k..

. k..

. Kiran" (Darr), "Palat..

. palat..

. palat..

." (DDLJ), "Kuch kuch hota h.