"The sky is full of mysteries; with the twinkling stars and the beautiful moon. But, scientific investigation revealed that stars do not twinkle nor does the moon look beautiful. The study therefore, cautions: 'Do not trust what you see, even salt looks like sugar'!" Justice Hema Committee Report on sexual harassment in Malayalam film industry begins with this quote.

The report that has unearthed several dark secrets of the Malayalam Film Industry states that as the probe progressed, it revealed that glamour in the industry is just an exterior glitter, but hovering over the same are, dark clouds of distressed and endured agony, kept hidden from the outside world. The report states that shockingly they came across stories of despair not only from women, but also from men in the industry who are silenced by a powerful lobby of men. "Their anguish and agony die within the Industry, unable to be addressed, with no forum to seek solutions, though their problems are legion," the reports said.

The Justice Hema Committee Report which was made public on August 19, has made several revelations pertaining to the rampant sexual exploitation and abuse prevalent in the Malayalam film industry. The report was published after redacting the identity of the accused persons. But, following the publication, women from the industry started coming forward with there accusations against the big names of the Kerala movie industry including Actor Siddique and Director Ranjith Following the allegation.