Sex can be an important part of a relationship – and if you've noticed your libido has significantly changed over a period of time, it may be worth speaking to your GP and getting some advice. One woman admitted that she and her husband show each other "affection" regularly, and they still "fancy each other". But since having a baby, she just "can't be bothered with sex".

According to the NHS : "Loss of libido (sex drive) is a common problem affecting up to 1 in 5 men – and even more women – at some point in their life. It's often linked to professional and personal stress, or important life-changing events such as pregnancy , childbirth or breastfeeding." The stressed-out mum took to Mumsnet to explain that she could "count on one hand" the number of times that she's had sex with her husband in the past six months, admitting her libido had "vanished" – especially since returning to work.

She "just didn't feel like it", as she felt "tired". And her husband was also "tired too". "We're both in survival mode trying to hold down full-time jobs, a baby who is often sick from nursery, household chores etc etc.

Social life, sex, and leisure activities seem to all be on the back burner at the moment", she shared. The woman said that it was "hard" to feel "sexual" after a day of "being a mum" and feeling "burnt out" after work. "Sex feels like another chore to add to the to-do list and I just don't have the energy", she lamented.

"Before baby, I had a very high sex drive and .