RED MEAT Red meats contain moderate to high levels of purines, contributing to uric acid production and potentially worsening joint inflammation. SHELLFISH Shellfish are notorious for their high purine content, particularly shrimp and lobster, which can significantly increase uric acid levels and trigger gout attacks. SUGARY BEVERAGES Drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup can elevate uric acid levels, promoting inflammation and contributing to joint discomfort.

PROCESSED MEATS Processed meats contain additives and preservatives that can trigger inflammation and raise uric acid levels, worsening joint conditions like gout. HIGH-FAT DAIRY PRODUCTS Full-fat dairy items can contribute to uric acid accumulation, particularly in individuals with existing joint issues or gout. SARDINES These small fish are particularly high in purines and can lead to rapid uric acid buildup in the bloodstream, exacerbating joint pain.

SWEETENED BREAKFAST CEREALS Many breakfast cereals are high in sugar and can contribute to increased uric acid levels and joint inflammation. Some common cereals that may increase uric acid levels include sugary flakes, chocolate cereals, frosted cereals..