Looking for your next home within Sydney? We’ve got you covered. 38E Scotts Road, Kangaroo Valley If we told you 38e Scotts Road, Kangaroo Valley, was part aircraft hangar, part warehouse, part shed, you might turn tail and run. If you lingered, though, you’d be handsomely rewarded with a brilliant home where an inspired design combines industrial heft with airy flow to create a little masterpiece.

Perhaps the best thing is that the house allows its stunning locale full reign, an acknowledgement that competing with the surrounding beauty is a forlorn exercise. Rather, the home opens up to the ridgelines and escarpments and rainforest – the spectacular hangar-style glass at the east end can fold all the way up at the touch of a button. “It’s pretty amazing,” says Di Jones agent Kate McCullagh.

“The views are extraordinary and the house stands high and proud in that landscape.” While there’s that robust edge – steel trusses, soaring space, timber beams – there’s no shortage of luxury here either, from the polished stone floors to the timber panels that confer warmth and flair. The accommodation brings smooth style too.

“All of the bedrooms feel like suites,” McCullagh says. There’s a separate studio, plus a spring-fed plunge pool. The property is completely off-grid and utterly out of this world.

It carries a guide of around $4.95 million. 4 Ahearn Avenue, South Coogee Anchored to the cliffs with a 14-metre frontage, this architectural triumph offe.