Seven is one of Deadlock’s premiere caster characters, with a game-changing ultimate that can take out the entire enemy team when used correctly. Here’s what you need to know to get the most out of this hero. While Deadlock is much more focused on aiming and gunplay than most other MOBAs, there are still a good few caster characters.

Seven is one of them, and his abilities are relatively straightforward. Seven may be the pick for you if you struggle with aiming but don’t like getting up close. His kit benefits much more from having game knowledge than it does raw mechanical skill, especially when it comes to buying the right items for the job.

Give Vindicta a shot if you’re looking for someone that requires more mechanical skill and less game knowledge, but know she’s not as new-player friendly as the game tells you. Seven is one of the absolute best starter characters, though playing him against people who know what they’re doing gets tricky. Here’s the best build for Seven in Deadlock including which items you should get, when you should buy them, and what abilities you should max out first.

Best abilities to use on Seven If you aren’t familiar with Seven’s kit and what he does in Deadlock, here’s a quick rundown: 1: Lightning Ball Shoot a ball of lightning that travels in a straight line. Does damage to all targets in its radius. Slows down when damaging enemies and stops if it hits the world.

Level 1: +1 Charge Level 2: +40% movement slow Level 3: +70 .