The morning is an important time for your mental health. Without powerful daily affirmations to quell anxiety and soothe the unconscious mind, it's easy to slide further and further down the rabbit hole (especially if you're not naturally a morning person ). Many of us are inundated with a heavy news cycle , daily stressors, and a looming pile of responsibilities, which can make that a.

m. alarm feel more daunting than encouraging. It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed, but the good news is that tools like positive affirmations can have a seriously beneficial impact on your mental health.

In essence, daily affirmations are short statements meant to be spoken until your mind starts to subconsciously believe them. Once the messages are internalized, you can begin to manifest them into existence . Tell yourself you attract positivity , and see yourself start to believe it.

Give your goals enough mental energy, and watch them become part of your reality. It may seem like a long shot, but morning affirmations have the potential to limit negativity, improve self-esteem , and positively shift your mindset in the long run. Affirmations can also assist with anxiety , make you feel more empowered, or just help you get through the day (even if you don't believe every word right away).

Dr. Angele Close , PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and certified mindfulness meditation teacher with a background in psychotherapy. What Are Positive Affirmations? Positive affirmations are en.