On September 13, the world celebrates International Chocolate Day, a date dedicated to honoring one of the most irresistible and popular products on the planet. This delicacy, derived from cacao, has been a fundamental part of the culinary and cultural history of many civilizations, and its importance continues to this day. In Puerto Vallarta, a vibrant destination full of life and flavors, this day becomes the perfect opportunity to enjoy and explore the many facets of chocolate, from its ancestral origins to its modern interpretations.

Chocolate has its roots in Mexico, where pre-Hispanic civilizations such as the Mayans and Aztecs considered it a divine gift. Cacao was so valuable that it was even used as currency. The ancients prepared a drink called xocoatl, made from ground cacao beans and water, often mixed with spices.

This bitter drink was a luxury reserved for nobility and warriors. Over time, Europeans adapted cacao and transformed it into the sweet chocolate we know today, but its origins remain deeply connected to Mexican history and culture. Puerto Vallarta, with its rich culinary offerings, is the ideal setting to commemorate International Chocolate Day.

This vibrant tourist destination not only offers stunning landscapes and warm hospitality, but also a diverse and high-quality gastronomy. Local restaurants and chocolatiers have adopted chocolate as an essential ingredient, integrating it into their dishes and desserts in creative and delicious ways. A great w.