Senna has swiftly become one of the best enchanter supports in League of Legends following her 14.16 rework that massively increased her healing, shielding, and supportive capabilities. League of Legends is constantly rolling out new updates to shake up the MOBA.

Devs are always throwing new changes into the mix to ensure that the game stays somewhat fresh, with no meta overstaying its welcome. Sometimes, these changes come in the form of reworks for specific champions. These often push the champion in a new way or give them a new identity on the whole.

The most recent rework was for Senna, who was moved to focus more on her enchanter capabilities, massively improving her healing and shielding powers. And massively improved it has, as Senna has quickly jumped up as one of the best supports in the entire game, surpassing other champions in the role while completely changing her build and playstyle. According to League of Legends stat website op.

gg , Senna sits at a 53.13% win rate. Whilst this may seem like nothing to scoff at, this starkly contrasts her 49.

75% win rate before her rework. Senna’s patch 14.16 rework fundamentally changed the optimal way to be played.

Her attack speed scaling and damage were nerfed, but her healing and shielding ratios were bumped up across the board. This saw a bit of a change in Senna’s play style as well, as she would focus far more on using her Q to poke and trade in lanes, and eventually swapping over to healing and peeling for her alli.