Being close to the mountain is an exhilarating and awesome experience. To witness at close hand the grandeur, beauty and majesty of these mighty bulges in the earth crust is breathtaking, besides providing an opportunity of immersing in the surrounding beauty and enjoying the fresh air. We started our trekking adventure rather late in life.

However going by the saying better late than never, I and my husband decided to start our trekking adventure when we had stepped into that part of life where many simply throw in the towel. In 2019 we trekked to base camp Nanga Parbat, a 3/4 days trek at an elevation of about 4000 meters. Our next goal was either K2 or Everest base camp, the latter being slightly longer and at an higher elevation.

Unfortunately Covid cut short our plans and for the next three years we could not undertake any trekking expedition. In October last year we did the Rakaposhi Base Camp, a mountain in the Karakoram range situated in the middle of Nagar Valley. The next on the list was Everest base camp.

A 10/11 days journey to reach the camp, including 2 days acclimatisation trek each going up to about 500 meters. This was a difficult undertaking considering that I was reaching 60 and my husband 71. We were fortunate that two other friends Shamsuddin Shaikh and Nadeem Shaikh joined us on this journey.

After months of anticipation and meticulous planning, the time had finally arrived and the four of us headed to Napal for this once in a life time adventure. Everes.