Steve Braunias is an award-winning New Zealand journalist, author, columnist and editor. OPINION Minka is at sea. Ten days on the Spirit of Adventure boat, sailing somewhere between or around Auckland and Whangārei, one of 40 teenagers who boarded as complete strangers and who will disembark in some sort of state of hysteria or love or whatever other good or bad psychological disturbance that surely comes with this strange New Zealand social experiment.

“An empowering and life-changing opportunity, a voyage that will empower you to become whoever you want to be.” God almighty. Minka is at sea.

They handed in their cellphones when they boarded the ship at Princess Wharf on Wednesday. They do not get them back till the voyage is done and they are empowered to become whoever they want to be, and their parents will hopefully still be able to recognise them. “This programme is the best way to up your courage, unlock your potential, learn leadership, courage, resilience and make lifelong friends.

” One notes the word “courage” is used twice. No word from her in 10 days; I need courage, too. Minka is at sea.

Generations of parents have used the Spirit of Adventure as a threat. “Shape up,” they’ve said through narrowed eyes, “or we’re signing you up to that boat. That will wipe the smile off your face!”, etc.

I was threatened with it in my useless teenage years. It was a terrifying thought. Ten days stuck with 40 strangers – hulking brutes, mean bitches, to.