A spinoff of the popular Netflix series “Selling Sunset” is currently in the works. Titled “Selling the City,” this new series will focus on the real estate market and lifestyle in a different urban setting, offering a fresh perspective on high-end properties and luxury living. The show will feature real estate agents navigating their local market, showcasing the challenges and successes of selling high-end properties.

With its new setting and engaging narrative, “Selling the City” promises to offer a compelling look at the luxury real estate industry outside of Los Angeles. Table of Contents Exploring New York’s Elite Real Estate Market in ‘Selling the City’ The immensely popular Netflix series “Selling Sunset” is set to broaden its horizons, taking its glamorous world of high-end real estate and luxury living all the way to New York City. Also Read: “Selling the City” aims to captivate audiences with its portrayal of the elite realm of New York real estate, continuing the signature narrative of successful deals and the complex lives of high-end agents.

Executive produced by Adam DiVello, the mastermind behind the original “Selling Sunset” and its spin-off, “Selling the OC,” the show is expected to follow a similar formula, offering insights into the world of luxury property sales and the high-stakes atmosphere that defines this glamorous industry. Meet the Agents and Drama Fans have been drawn to the complex relationships and rivalries amon.