Selena Gomez stole the spotlight at the Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards on Friday night with her bold fashion choice and a stunning engagement announcement. The 32-year-old actress walked the red carpet in an all-white tuxedo featuring a jacket with silk lapels, a matching vest, and trousers. According to Daily Mail, she elevated the look with a sleeveless sheer dress shirt, a white silk tie, and coordinating heels.

Adding to the glamour, Selena showcased her engagement ring from fiancé Benny Blanco, a 36-year-old music producer. Moreover, the marquise-cut diamond, estimated at 8 carats, is set on a yellow gold pavé band and is valued at approximately $1 million, as per the publication. Meanwhile, the star complemented her outfit with a tight bun, smokey eye makeup, and a glossy pink lip, accessorizing with diamond earrings and a platinum ring.

It is worth mentioning, other A-listers in attendance at the event included Angelina Jolie, Ariana Grande, and Nicole Kidman. Additionally, Gomez confirmed her engagement on December 11, sharing a close-up of the dazzling ring with her 423 million Instagram followers and captioning the announcement, "forever begins now.”.