Saturday, September 21, 2024 In Q2 2024, Selangor , Kuala Lumpur, Sarawak, and Pahang collectively recorded over 64.8 million domestic tourists, reflecting a 23.8% growth compared to the same period in 2023.

This surge in domestic travel is driven largely by the increasing popularity of Halal tourism, catering to Muslim-friendly experiences , dining, and accommodations. The rise in domestic tourism also highlights Malaysia ’s successful efforts to promote local destinations and cater to diverse travel interests. Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, in particular , continue to lead the way in attracting tourists, further boosting the country’s tourism economy.

Malaysia’s tourism sector experienced a significant surge in domestic travel during the second quarter (Q2) of 2024, with a remarkable 64.8 million domestic tourists recorded. This reflects a 23.

8% increase compared to the same period in 2023. The rise in domestic tourism is not only an indicator of Malaysians’ renewed interest in exploring their own country, but also highlights the critical role domestic tourism plays in boosting Malaysia’s economy and supporting its recovery in a post-pandemic world. In tandem with this growth, domestic tourism expenditure saw an impressive 28.

6% rise, reaching a total of RM28.1 billion. This increase was driven primarily by three key sectors: shopping, food and beverages, and accommodation.

Tourists spent more as they traveled more, demonstrating a positive shift in consumer confidenc.