NATIVE Hondurans don’t just rely on their genetics for enviably thick and healthy tresses, revealed an expert. Dr. Matee Rajput shared a little-known oil among the best ingredients for stimulating hair growth.

Dr. Rajput is a hair transplant surgeon and the surgical director of KSL Clinic, which has locations in Kent and Manchester, England. Speaking to The U.

S. Sun, he shared a variety of ingredients for longer locks. Batana oil is derived from the nuts of the Elaeis oleifera tree, commonly known as the American palm tree.

Dr. Rajput said it’s widely considered beneficial for growth and overall hair health. “Batana oil is traditionally used by the indigenous Miskito people of Honduras,” he said.

“They are often referred to as the ‘People of Beautiful Hair’ due to their thick, healthy hair attributed to batana oil. “Batana oil is rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, particularly vitamin E.” Scientific findings and a “wealth of anecdotal” evidence support the use of rosemary oil in haircare routines.

The ingredient can stimulate growth, improve scalp health, and strengthen tresses. “Rosemary oil has been shown to improve circulation when applied to the scalp, which can help stimulate hair follicles and encourage new hair growth,” Dr. Rajput said.

Rosemary oil is often diluted with a carrier oil such as castor oil before topical application. “Castor oil is rich in ricinolein acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties that can .