Blueberries are costly in India and are not widely available. However, those who love this little fruit manage to source it somehow during its season to enjoy its tangy sweetness. It's fun to pop them in or add them to your pancakes or overnight oats, as your body relishes their vitamin C, fibre and anthocyanins, the compound that gives the fruit its blue colour.

If you get to source some quality blueberries, here's why you should have them for a range of health benefits: 1) Good for weight loss Most part of this low-calorie, high-fibre food is water but it is still fulfilling and nutritious. The fibre content in it also improves digestion. Its low glycemic index is also less likely to cause blood sugar spikes.

The fruit can also reduce abdominal fat. 2) Heart protection According to the Mayo Clinic, the presence of 25 anthocyanins in comparison with two or three anthocyanins in other berries makes blueberries the best for your heart health. Regular consumption of fruit can also improve cholesterol levels and promote healthy circulation.

3) Cognitive health The fruit has some neuroprotective properties that shield the brain from issues related to ageing and degeneration. The flavonoids in it can also ensure good communication between brain cells and support brain plasticity or the ability to adapt, learn and upskill oneself. 4) Bone health Blueberries have manganese and calcium that are essential for bone mineralisation and for supporting bone density.

It will also improve th.