Sean Diddy Combs may have stopped eating in prison due to fears of being poisoned, according to former inmate Larry Levine. Currently incarcerated at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), Sean Diddy Combs is reportedly paranoid about someone trying to harm him through his food. A source close to the rapper shared that Levine indicated Diddy was feeling “paranoid” and “scared” that someone might poison him.

“There’s people out there that he has things on that do have a substantial amount of money. Imagine if someone paid someone off on the inside to actually poison his food, give him a heart attack and he dies, and no one would really think anything of it. So that may be one of the reasons he’s not eating,” Levine said.

In addition to the fear of poisoning, Levine told News Nation that Diddy’s refusal to eat could stem from a hunger strike or the poor quality of food served in prison. He described the food at MDC as bland and high in carbohydrates. “There’s mold in a lot of that food, the food coming to him is cold.

It’s not coming to him warm like it would be in a regular housing unit, because they feed the people in the shoe last. Maybe he got sick from the food. That’s another possibility,” Levine added.

As reported by The New York Post, Diddy is served three meals a day at the MDC. His first meal after being arraigned included Swedish meatballs, though he turned down the alternative of a black bean burger. His meal sides consisted of egg nood.