If you think getting fit requires a gym membership, think again! With these five explosive moves, you can improve your fitness and become faster, fitter, and stronger — no costly membership required. This routine is designed by trainer James Stirling, also known as the London Fitness Guy on Instagram, and is a plyometrics workout specifically tailored for runners looking to improve their speed, agility, and power. But don’t worry, even if you’re not a runner, these exercises will benefit anyone looking for a challenging, full-body workout.

Plyometric exercises focus on powerful, high-intensity movements that benefit various areas of your fitness including but not limited to strength, agility, power and balance. Whether you're training for your next race or simply looking to up your fitness game, Jamie’s five-move routine is a great place to begin. All you need is a little space, the motivation to get moving, and a pair of the best running shoes if you’re planning to head out for a run afterward! Watch The London Fitness Guy's Plyometrics Workout The structure of the workout requires you to spend 20-30 seconds on each exercise, rest for 20 seconds in between each move and complete the whole circuit for a total of three rounds.

Stirling explains: "Plyometrics work the stretch-shortening cycle and put simply, more spring means more force and a faster run." The "stretch-shortening cycle" is a term used to describe what happens when your muscles stretch before quickly co.