Scotland has been ranked among the top 10 island-hopping destinations in the world. The list has been compiled by Planet Cruise, based on analysis of safety scores, average summer temperatures, social media popularity, the number of inhabited islands, and average ferry prices. Scotland is ranked in ninth spot.

It has the second-highest social media score among the top 10, behind only the Philippines. Planet Cruise said: “Scotland has secured the ninth spot globally and fourth in Europe on the list of top island-hopping destinations. With stunning islands like Skye, Islay, Arran, Lewis, and Shetland, Scotland offers a perfect escape within the UK for those seeking an unforgettable island adventure.

” READ MORE: Approval for massive development to create city's 'second-tallest structure' Top of the global island-hopping destination list is the Philippines, which Planet Cruise noted is “renowned for its stunning islands and vibrant culture”. It added: “With thousands of inhabited islands and a warm tropical climate, it's a paradise for island enthusiasts.” Japan is in second spot, described as “offering a unique blend of tradition and modernity, along with affordable ferry rides and a high safety rating”.

READ MORE: Ian McConnell: Good for Scotland but Labour favours Tory millstones Planet Cruise said: “Japan claims the second spot on our list for island-hopping adventures, with 430 inhabited islands - more than almost any other destination on the leaderboard. �.