Scorpio season begins October 22 and, with it, the world is infused with this Pluto-ruled sign’s energy...

dark, occult, probing, intense, secretive, intuitive, powerful. Scorpios are intensely analytical about everything, especially the hidden, scary, low-down, kept-secret things. Scorpios have to know .

And also possess the fearlessness and resilience to answer the questions others wouldn’t even ask. This is the season for shadow work, for getting to know your suppressed traits and characteristics that you don’t want others to see, or want to influence your life. We all push parts of ourselves down.

The thing is...

they don’t go away, they just influence us and surface from an even deeper level. The trick, with shadow work, is to acknowledge these traits, know their origins, notice their triggers, and start to manage them into the light and release them. Let the tarot guide you towards your shadow work objective or theme this Scorpio season.

Hold my hand, it’s okay...

Aries March 21 to April 20 Tarot card for Aries for Scorpio season: Three of Wands Meaning: Your Scorpio season shadow work objective or theme is set by the Three of Wands. You have an inner jester or chaotic clown who likes to rush in and sabotage you when you’re trying to concentrate, focus, or tackle something that (truthfully) you’d rather not. This jester is trying to keep child-like you entertained and happy, but adult you needs him to pipe down because ‘adulting’ requires doing boring .