A school previously given the lowest Ofsted rating has turned things around. Happy Valley Pre School was rated good by inspectors following an inspection in July. The school, in Heath Hill Avenue, Brighton , was previously rated inadequate.

Concerns raised in the previous report included the “poor quality” of the education provided, children spending long periods of time “wandering the environment aimlessly” and children snatching, pushing and throwing things across the room. Inspectors said management and the staff team have “worked hard” to make the necessary improvements since the last inspection in March. They said the manager has also ensured previous improvements have been sustained.

The report said children are “happy and settled” at the pre-school. “Staff warmly greet children on arrival, who are keen to begin their day,” the report said. Read more: Preschool upgraded to good rating as safeguarding issues resolved “Generally, staff plan and deliver a broad and balanced curriculum.

They thoughtfully plan an array of activities and play experiences that support children's individual learning, as well as incorporating their particular interests. As such, children quickly engage in activities on offer. This supports children's motivation as they play and learn.

“All staff now have access to targeted training and support to assist them to continually improve their personal effectiveness.” Inspectors said the curriculum is now “well balanced” a.