This past weekend I traveled to Hamilton for the Bitterroot Celtic Festival. I went for several reasons. First, when I did my DNA test through National Geographic, I found out that I am 48% Celtic.

It made sense for me to go. Next, my daughters live in Missoula, and this was another excuse to find a mid-point to see them; and have some fun celebrating our heritage. Finally, I had never ventured on Highway 38 or what many call Skalkaho Road.

I have lived here for three years and never found an opportunity. Last Saturday was a moment to experience all three. As I drove along the Skalkaho Pass I made several observations.

If you have never been on the road, you may want to stop reading. Spoilers ahead. First, there were many times I wondered if I was on the right road.

When I encountered a car coming the other direction, it gave me hope. Next, I kept saying to myself, this is a state-maintained highway, correct? Occasionally I would see a mile marker or sign that reminded me, yes, I would eventually make it to Hamilton. Finally, wow, what a beautiful drive.

My mind kept going to scripture. I must be honest with you, I had to look up these passages once the drive was over. I was too busy dodging rocks, trees, cars coming the other way, and a lot of wash-boardy roads.

When travelling along the Skalkaho Road, keep your mind on the road. The first passage that I wanted to reference was Psalm 50.10: “For every wild animal of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills.

” Th.