Actor Lee Dong Wook explained why dating has become difficult for him. On August 14, a new episode of entertainer Yu Jae Seok's YouTube show "Pinggyego" was released online. In this episode, the guest, Lee Dong Wook was seen handing a tissue to Yu Jae Seok's co-host, Ji Suk-jin, so he could wipe his mouth while eating.

Touched by Lee Dong Wook's sweet gesture, Ji Suk-jin asked if Lee Dong Wook is this considerate with his girlfriend as well. Lee Dong Wook responded, "Yeah, I do. I used to stuff like this to my ex-girlfriend all the time.

But I can't even remember the last time I did that for a girl. I don't think I can even date anyone anymore now. It's too much of a hassle.

" He further stated, "I mean, I want to date someone, but I don't want to. I'm too lazy for it, if you get what I mean. In a relationship, you need to get close, and the idea of putting in all that effort to get closer makes me feel so exhausted.

" Yu Jae Seok empathized, saying, “If you haven't dated for a long time, there's definitely a fear when starting again. It's not easy to carve out time for dating and to overcome that fear." Ji Suk-jin mentioned, "It might also be because you haven't met someone who makes your heart race super fast and feels just right.

" Nodding in agreement, Lee Dong Wook said, "Now that I'm older, I can't just go 'Yeah, I'll just date her and see how it goes,' like I used to. I have to be more cautious, you know. I also don't have many opportunities to meet someone.

" The actor .