Gee Chun-hee, a fashion designer beloved by many top celebrities, has revealed an update on actor Won Bin. On the November 10 episode of KBS' TV show 'Boss in the Mirror', designer Gee Chun-hee guested and talked about her dear friends, actress Lee Na-young and her husband, Won Bin. During the show, entertainer Park Kyung-rim expressed how much she would like to meet Won Bin, particularly at a showcase event for his project if he returns with one.

"It's hard to meet Won Bin, even for celebrities. There are even rumors that he's a dragon.", the host, entertainer Jeon Hyun Moo, jokingly remarked.

Jeon Hyun Moo and another host, comedian Kim Sook, asked Gee Chun-hee why Won Bin had not starred in any projects since 'The Man from Nowhere', the 2010 film. Gee Chun-hee previously revealed her close relationship with Won Bin and Lee Na-young; she shared that she and the couple even travel together. "I don't think it's because he doesn't want to.

He appears to be feeling pressured about taking on a project. I don't know very well, but he seems to have been reviewing scripts.", Gee Chun-hee shared.

"Although we failed to cast Won Bin on the show, we invited Lee Na-young here!", Jeon Hyun Moo remarked, and the show revealed a special video message Lee Na-young sent to Gee Chun-hee. "Hi, you probably didn't expect to see me like this! I'm sending this message to support you, Chun-hee, in case you feel nervous on the show.", Lee Na-young in the video remarked with a smile.

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