Who wants to get a nice and shiny infrastructure diagram? We are! Who wants to maintain it? ...

Intro That’s right. You work at a company with a lot of infrastructure to manage. There are many services, complex networking, multi-cloud setups, and several CI/CD tools.

You have a lot of code written. Maybe with comments. Perhaps even some documentation.

Eventually, you start creating diagrams to show your infrastructure at a glance. Everybody loves diagrams! But as soon as you press ‘Save’ button the clock starts ticking, showing how outdated your diagram is. Unfortunately, no one loves outdated stuff.

And no one has time to update it. You spent a lot of time being an infrastructure-as-a-code gitops hero. Everything is already here, in the code! There are plenty of tools that transform code into UML diagrams.

Is there anything for infrastructure, please? And there is! Let’s take a closer look What’s in the review To make it more practical we are going to use a real repo. The repo has a minimalistic Dockerfile for a simple Spring Boot app. A pinch of Terraform, and a GitHub Actions workflow to glue everything together.

It builds the app with Gradle, creates a Docker image, and deploys it to AWS Elastic Container Service. Tools under review Terraform graph First, let's start with Terraform graph . Terraform provides an embedded option for making a diagram.

It creates a Graphviz .dot file. To see a diagram as an image you have to install Graphviz .

This gives you next di.