Holy cow, there are some powerful waves of transmutation afoot friends. By now everyone is probably feeling them. Even my sister outlaw in Austria told me she is feeling it.

The body may be feeling exhausted, fogged, irritable, anxious, depressed,even heart activations. It’s not easy sometimes for some of us to stay calm or neutral with such powerful forces initiating us. Then we have the whole circus of the outer world playing the game of chaos.

How do we stay in well being with such energies playing out? This becomes an ever more vital question. Movement, nature, hydration, possibly Epsom salt baths, periods of silence to help integrate. What I am witnessing in clients is it brings up a lot of repressed trauma or conditioning for many.

Ultimately it is in service to our awakening. This is the time that has been prophesied for eons. This is the apocalypse which comes from the Greek meaning revelation or disclosure.

This certainly is unraveling in the world right now. So much that has been hidden is being revealed. In my own life one of the primary things being revealed in a new way is the depth to which I have felt victimized by sensitivity, particularly to solar energies.

This fundamental core misbelief has shapeshifter this life in so many ways. Yet what surfaced the other day was a new commitment to knowing that I am not a body, that I am free, that we are as God created as promised in “A Course of Miracles.” I literally have spent decades of this life trying to get.