The Sausalito City Council has approved a resolution to form the Downtown Sausalito Property Business Improvement District. The 4-1 vote followed a public hearing on July 30. The approval came after weighted ballots were counted and more than 87% of property owners were in favor.

“I’m really grateful that we have a business community that wants to tax themselves and give us this opportunity to try for five years and to see what happens,” Councilmember Melissa Blaustein said. “I think this is going to be and could be a really great thing.” Councilmember Jill Hoffman voted against the district, citing concerns about city spending in a time of deficit.

Brandon Phipps, the city’s director of community and economic development, said the ballots were sent out to property owners within the district on June 13. As of the July 30 meeting, Phipps said 34 ballots were received and there are 42 different property owners in the district. The city did not cast a vote.

Business improvement districts provide extra services that are not given by municipalities. They are funded by annual assessments and often give greater autonomy to business owners. “Benefit zone one” is made up of the core commercial area along Bridgeway, and “benefit zone two” includes the city parking lots on the east side of Bridgeway and Humboldt Street.

The first year’s annual assessments for buildings is $0.22 per square foot in zone one and $0.10 in zone two.

For lots, the annual rates are $0.14 .