Sausalito has awarded $1.3 million contract with a company to handle its ferry plaza overhaul. Bauman Landscaping was the lowest bidder, said Kevin McGowan, the city’s public works director.

The city received two other bids: Ghilotti Brothers for $1.8 million and Kerex Engineering for $1.4 million.

The city engineer’s estimate for the base bid was $1.26 million. The budget for the project is $2.

5 million. The City Council voted unanimously last week to give Bauman Landscaping the contract. The move marks the beginning of end of process that began in 2017 to upgrade the ferry plaza.

“Thank you community, thank you pioneers of this idea,” Mayor Ian Sobieski said. “It is a step forward. It is a positive step.

” The council approved a conceptual design for the project in February. At its meeting last week, it approved the project’s plan and specifications, but not without some tweaks. McGowan recommended changing some details regarding bike parking because of safety concerns.

The project plans that were included in the bid put a bike return area on Humboldt Street, but the area is also used for tour bus parking. McGowan said that during the summer tourist season, an average of 175 bikes a day used the bike parking area on Tracy Way. The increased use of electronic bikes has led to a decreased need for bike parking, he said.

An alternative to the Humboldt Street design is putting the bike parking on the eastern side of Parking Lot 1. Temporary bollards would be placed.