Sunday, August 11, 2024 Saudi Arabia, officially known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a Middle Eastern country renowned for its rich cultural heritage and significant economic influence, primarily driven by its vast oil reserves. Recently, Saudi Arabia has been gaining attention for its growing outbound travel sector, with its passport granting citizens visa free or visa-on-arrival access to 88 countries as of August 2024. Mr.

Anup Kumar Keshan, Editor-in-Chief of TTW, remarked: “Saudi Arabian outbound travel is rapidly expanding, with more Saudis exploring international destinations. The Saudi passport offers visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 88 countries, including popular spots like the UAE, Malaysia, and Egypt as of August 2024. Major cities such as Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam, known for their historical sites and modern architecture, are attracting global tourists.

Under Vision 2030, these urban centers are becoming key travel hubs. The economic impact of tourism is significant, contributing to employment and overall economic growth, as reflected in Saudi Arabia’s rising global mobility and GDP growth.” The Kingdom’s success story is built on a foundation of strategic initiatives and reforms that have propelled its tourism sector to new heights.

With a staggering 390% increase in demand for tourism activity licenses in 2023 and the contribution of tourism to the non-oil GVA estimated to exceed 7%, Saudi Arabia’s vision for the future is clear. With the .