Developer: Coffee Stain Studios Publisher: Coffee Stain Publishing Release: Out now On: Windows From: Steam , Epic Games Store Price: £33/€36/$36 Reviewed on: Intel Core i7-10875H, 16GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 2080 Super, Windows 11 I am lost in my own factory. From every direction, every angle, conveyor belts and smelters and assemblers obscure my senses and envelop my being. Twenty hours ago I placed my first manufacturer somewhere around here.

Back then it represented the state of the art, hatching me a pristine batch of 1.25 computers every minute - now I’ve forgotten where I put the damn thing, after delving into my factory’s guts to hook that piddly yet still useful batch of old relics up to my main production line. I’m building supercomputers now, and the many manufacturers that make those are hungry.

Something is always hungry in Satisfactory , and that hunger pulls you from task to task in a near-seamless and frankly beautiful daze of ever-escalating industry. It is mesmerising and it is fearsome, and after five years of early access it’s finally complete. You know the brief: you’re alone (or not, in co-op) on a planet whose minerals must be turned into gizmos, at the behest of a totally humane and non-exploitative company.

The 1.0 update introduces a story that peppers in cryptic allusion, delivered by your Glados-like AI boss, to how The Project you spend the game building will somehow save the universe, Forget that - back to my factory. Free of the innards, I.