Leading Telugu producer DVV Danayya, whose last release ‘RRR’ rocked the world and bagged Oscar awards, is now confident about his upcoming film ‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’ featuring Nani and Priyanka Mohan. “We are extensively promoting and releasing our action film all over south and other places since it has enough potential’ says Dannayya who is also betting big on his other film ‘OG’ with superstar Pawan Kalyan and hails Pawan Kalyan as a dedicated actor in a chit chat with Deccan Chronicle. Q: You seem to be going all out to promote and release your film with Nani in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and other centres in India? Are you so confident about ‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’.

A: Of course, we are confident since he would do well in other states since it has a universal story. We know that audiences in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Bangalore and other states patronize path-breaking movies and our film has enough potential. It is an action film with Nani donning a fiery role who takes on the might of evil doers with ease and fights for a social cause, so it has a big span and is meant for viewers world over.

We are hopeful that it would strike a chord with non-Telugu viewers too. Q: You are also making another Rs 200 crore film ‘OG”. Are you fascinated with lavish entertainers? A: Honestly, I am a bit fascinated with larger-than-life movies.

With new generation audiences also loving to watch grandeur in movies, it has served my purpose. I can’t disclose the .