Let’s start at the beginning. During Commie Con The Democratic National Convention, Tim Walz gave a speech and at one point he called out his family. And one of his children, Gus Walz got emotional in response.

Here’s video of that: Tim Walz's 17-year-old son Gus stands up sobbing and yells "that's my dad." pic.twitter.

com/PnGPulH1u8 Now, yes, he is gushing a little, but we never thought much of it. Not everyone reacts the same way to the same things and not every person maintains cool when they are emotional. So, it might not be our personal reaction if we were in his shoes, but it’s well within the range of normal in our book.

But some people calling themselves conservatives went after him over this reaction. For instance, Ann Coulter called it weird, before she wisely deleted it, as noted here: Backlash erupts over criticism of Tim Walz’s emotional son: ‘families are everything’ - The Guardian https://t.co/Mf1384JQf5 But even if your moral compass doesn’t stop you from doing attacking this kid, maybe the fact this is terrible tactics will.

First off, most people agree that the family of politicians are off limits. As we wrote when talking about a man being a creep toward Barron Trump: Family—including people only related by marriage (including spouses)—should be off limits, unless they do something to affirmatively make themselves fair game. We have held to that principle, even when dealing with incredibly despicable people.

So, to pick someone related to.