Pumpkin lattes are beginning to appear at the local coffee shop, which means fall is on the way! It’s difficult to imagine now, but in just six weeks we’ll be talking about early frosts. Time flies! That's why it's important to gear up now for fall landscape work so everything on your list gets done. To help you get organized, here’s a quick rundown of common landscape projects listed in order of attack.

Aug. 15 to Sept. 15 is the best time to seed cool season grasses, including Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue.

Getting your seeding done as early as possible is critical, because each week of delay translates into two to four additional weeks required for the grass to mature. Seed tall fescue no later than mid-September. Tall fescue seedlings take a longer time to develop cold hardiness, so get your seeding done early.

Fall is, in fact, the best time of year for seeding lawns due to a combination of factors. First, there's less weed pressure than in spring, and late summer weather is less problematic during the soil preparation phase. Plus, the extended period of cool weather, usually with good rainfall, that occurs from September through late November is ideal for growth of cool season turfgrasses.

Establishing Lawns From Seed, UNL Turf info, https://turf.unl.edu/sites/unl.


turf/files/media/file/Establishing-lawn-fromseed2012l.pdf Improving Turf in Fall, UNL Turf info, https://turf.unl.

