A heated argument erupted recently during a producers’ roundtable by Galatta Plus, where Boney Kapoor and Telugu producer Naga Vamsi clashed over the ongoing Bollywood vs South Cinema debate. Vamsi, in his statement, argued that Hindi cinema had reinvented itself thanks to the rise of South Indian films, leading to a tense exchange with Boney Kapoor. Filmmaker Sanjay Gupta did not hold back in his criticism of Naga Vamsi following the altercation.
In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Gupta slammed Vamsi’s ‘disgusting attitude,’ referring to him as ‘an obnoxious guy.’ Gupta questioned Vamsi’s disrespectful behavior towards a senior producer like Boney Kapoor, stating, “Who is this obnoxious guy sitting next to a senior producer like Boney Ji and deriding him with his fake vanity? Look at his body language and disgusting attitude.” Gupta further emphasized that having a few successful films does not give anyone the right to belittle Bollywood, adding, “4/5 hits dene se yeh Bollywood ke baap nahin bane na banienge,” implying that Vamsi should not consider himself the leader of Bollywood.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 18: Munawar Faruqui Rings In New Year With Roasts, Targets Rajat Dalal, Karan Veer Mehra, And More! Sanjay Gupta also questioned whether Vamsi would dare to behave similarly with veteran producers like Allu Aravind or Suresh Babu. He wrote, “Would he have the guts to sit in front of senior producers like Allu Aravind Sir or Suresh Babu Sir and speak to .