A connection sparked by attraction marked the beginning for Sancia Johnally and Robert Haynes, who first crossed paths at work. Six months later, their bond had grown so strong that they decided to take a leap of faith and journey through life together. On August 8, surrounded by God and loved ones, they made it official, tying the knot and beginning a new chapter in their happily ever after.

Impressed by his athletic physique, Sancia confessed that initially, she had her reservations. “I initially thought that he was the type of guy that would play around and not be interested in being in a committed relationship,” she explained to Island Wedding . For Robert, love was more than just what met the eye.

Mesmerised by Sancia’s natural beauty, he was equally captivated by her quiet, focused nature and the depth of their conversations. “From our first set of meaningful conversations, I started to learn more about her and her personality and interests. I realised that we were similar in a lot of ways, and that drew me closer to her,” he said.

The pair found themselves at a beautiful spot in the hills of St Andrew, amid stunning flora and a spring flowing through lush greenery. With good company, the birthday girl enjoyed every moment, and so did Robert. Their friendship would go on to make a smooth transition into a wonderful relationship.

Once she got to know him better, Sancia was fascinated by how kind, smart, creative, caring and strong her partner in love is. “Any.