San Rafael plan to close its downtown library next month as a $3 million renovation project gets underway. The library at 1100 E St. will shut its doors to the public on Sept.

2 to undergo safety and infrastructure upgrades. The city is leasing a 5,740-square-foot space at 1009 Fourth St. to use as an interim pop-up library at a cost of $5,740 a month during construction.

The pop-up library is expected to open Sept. 16. The project is expected to last six to eight months.

“The downtown Carnegie library is an aging facility,” said Catherine Quffa, the city’s library and recreation director. “This renovation project is focused on much-needed safety and infrastructure upgrades to ensure that the building remains safe and operational.” The downtown library was constructed in 1909 with a grant from Andrew Carnegie, the early 20th-century philanthropist who helped fund libraries across the country.

After several upgrades over the years, the library is about 12,500 square feet. The planned renovations include fixing the roof, upgrading plumbing and electrical systems to meet code, installing a fire alarm system, accessibility improvements, repairing the heating and air system, and some minor related design improvements, Quffa said. The pop-up location will include new and popular items from the downtown library collection, as well as holds for pickup, Quffa said.

A portion of the downtown library collection will not be available during construction, but patrons can still r.